CBD Oils vs. Tinctures

Understanding the difference of CBD Oil vs. Tincture

What's the Difference?

Oil : CBD oil is made by an extraction process that pulls out oil from the seeds, stalks, and flowers of the hemp plant. Apart from the inherit cannabinoids, properties of oil extract also include proteins, essential vitamins, and fatty acids. This combination of properties allow for a variety of infusion in food or drink. Oil extracts are the most potent and expensive but, due to the intense potency a daily dose is much smaller than Tinctures. Absorption requires CBD oils to be constituted from the carrier oils. These common carrier oils are responsible for dilution:

  • Coconut oil
  • MCT oil
  • Vegetable oil
  • Hemp seed oil


Tinctures : Webster defines "Tincture" as; a solution of a medicinal substance in an alcoholic solvent. While tinctures are derived from hemp, CBD tinctures are not the same as CBD Oil.

Tinctures are extracts of hemp and combined with a mixture of alcohol, glycerin, or peppermint oil. You consume tinctures in the same trend as CBD oil but, unlike the oil sister, tinctures contain lower potency of CBD. Tinctures have a longer shelf life due to the presence of alcohol serving as a preservative which enhances the life of the CBD.  CBD ratio is less as compared to Oil primarly due to other substances being added to enhance flavor or outcomes ex:

  • Vitamins like B12, D, etc...
  • Water
  • Herbs like Turmeric, Cinnamon
  • Melatonin
  • Sweeteners
  • Essential oils like basil, lavender, etc... 
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